Why is weight loss so difficult to achieve ? No matter how I try, it never works”

She makes it look so easy! If only...

Why is it that others seem to have all the luck. Is it true? Or just the way it looks?

 Does this sound like you?

The answer to your problem lies in the basic principle of how life works. Read on to gain insight.

I remember trying to run 10km in under an hour, the more I tried the harder it was. I looked around to my group of runners and they seemed to find it much easier than I did. Then something changed and I reached my goal and continued to smash more goals easily and with what seemed like much less effort.


So what was my secret insight?

And, how can you applying my strategy to your own life can not only allow you to lose weight, but will also enhance every other aspect of your life.

Read on:

Back then, when I was trying to run faster my attention was on how difficult it was and how I didn’t have the ability, that something must be wrong with me, I felt Like I was just not good enough, which seemed to lead to an uncomfortable feeling deep inside.

. Then something happened that stopped me running.

I got sick, I had breast cancer, I couldn’t run for a while whilst I received treatment.

As soon as I healed from surgery, I was back out,  pounding the pavements, but I was looking through a different lens, I was so grateful to be out in the fresh air, feeling the wind on my face, smelling the ocean and generally feeling happy to be alive.

That change of focus was what made the difference.

I still wanted to run faster and smash my goals, the desire was there but the need had gone.

 So there’s the secret!

The thing is, the main reason we have problems as human beings is that we ‘think’, and its not the thought that causes us stress, it’s the thoughts about the thought!

We live in the feeling of our thought in the moment.

One example that when understood will allow you to lose weight.

An insight comes from deep inside the psyche, our soul.

Insights are direct answers to our questions from the intelligence of the deeper mind.

(This understanding will change your life)

 1.  Neediness – Such as my example when trying to run 10km in under an hour.

Imagine applying that strategy to your weight issue (or other problems) you are coming from a place of need. It has a certain feeling to it.

And it seems like this feeling is coming from you needing to look a certain way. The strength of the feeling seems to be related to how strong the need is.

Some of my clients’ storie’s involve accusations, like I come from a fat family or my job means I can’t get out and exercise, or all the good healthy food is too expensive. Some people target others to make themselves feel better such as saying it’s easy for her, when they see the slim girl at the gym. But they don’t know anything about the girls experience, but still judge and make up something in order to feel better. But it never lasts.


A sense of desperation, nervousness, insecurity and anxiety.

The consequences of feeling needy often have a sense of desperation, nervousness, depression, anxiety, lack confidence, self image and generally feeling fed up and not able to embrace life.

The problem stems from the way you are thinking, the lens you are looking through. Like a pair of glasses you are wearing that you are not aware of.

Underneath NEED is DESIRE

Desire is something that you really want, but that you will be ok if you don’t get it.

When you really look at your desire to lose weight from a different lens, or start looking in a different direction, its like waking up. You realize the story you have been telling yourself isn’t true.

As human beings we work really well in reality. We have survived for thousands of years, but what happens is that we forget and live in a state of unreality.

That unreality is created through a filter in our mind via the five senses. We distort, delete and generalise information to make up our map of the world, our reality, but it is unreality.

We then rely on others to fix us.  By going on courses, reading books, trying the next fad diet.  Exercising till we faint.

In other words, we live our life as if everything can be fixed from the outside, that our problems come from something other than our thinking.

Wisdom is within all of us as human beings, the trouble is , our minds’ are often so busy, like

Our mind is full of noise like a large brass band.

Our thinking is like a brass band playing in our mind, so loud that we can’t here the flute in the back ground. (The flute being our wisdom.

a brass band with all the instruments playing at the same time. So we can’t hear the flute in the background, which is our wisdom.

When you deepen your understanding of how our minds work and the nature of thought and experience. It doesn’t make us immune to getting upset and fed up.

It just means that we tend to pay less attention to those thoughts. Saying to ourselves things like, “it’s just my thoughts creating a temporary experience of being upset. Not feeding the thought, but letting It pass by allows space for new thought to come in.

Doing anything in a low state of mind usually ends up in regret, perhaps yelling at your partner or even ending a relationship which you regret later.

Instead of reacting to situations when you feel low, take it as a signal to slow down, quiet your mind and wait for a while. Don’t try to figure out whats up because that’s feeding thought and your thinking will trick you by adding meaning to the feeling.

Just turn away from the thought, let it pass you by, and as it disappears, space is created for other thoughts to pop into your mind that might be just the one that makes you smile again.

Just think… when you are at the coffee bar eyeing up the cakes and finding them hard to resist.  It’s just a thought and you can let that thought pass you by. And the more you deepen your understanding of how thought works, the easier it becomes.  Change seems to happen like magic.

What I am talking about here is an understanding. Yes sometimes we all get caught up in our thinking and reach for the candy, the chips and the junk food. But overtime, it becomes less.

I sometimes get upset, fed up and go down a spiral in my mind where I feed the negative thoughts, but when I do, I don’t try to figure out what’s up. I know I am thinking myself into a lower mood. So I turn away from it and soon start to feel ok with out having to rely on outside stimulus like chocolate bars, chips or alcohol in a misguided way to feel better.

This is an introduction to the innate nature of our wellbeing. What I am talking about can’t really be described with words because it is formless.  So what I am saying it is, isn’t what it is…

Have I confused you enough?  or do you find yourself feeling different as a result of reading this post?


Key Points

  • We live in the feeling of our thought in the moment
  • Realise you don’t have to act on a thought, or even believe it.
  • Clarity is your mind’s natural state
  • Be grateful for your highs and graceful in your lows
  • Allows you to achieve your goals
  • Enjoy better relationships
  • Eliminate stress
  • Think clearly

Below are a couple of Highly Recommend books to help deepen your understanding of the wisdom Inside all of us that I have shown a glimpse of in this post.

Jamie Smarts book on The Three Principles and especially "The Little Book of Clarity: is a quick guide to focus and declutter your mind.

Jamie Smarts book on The Three Principles and especially “The Little Book of Clarity: is a quick guide to focus and declutter your mind.

Michael Neill's Book. The Inside Out Revolution is written in a way to help you gain insights and deepen your understanding.

Michael Neill’s Book. The Inside Out Revolution is written in a way to help you gain insights and deepen your understanding.