NLP Coaching & Therapy

Right now, all you need to understand is that NLP helps you take control of your mind rather than it controlling you.

A Brief Introduction

I stumbled across my first Neuro-linguistic programming course by accident as I was looking to deepen my skill as a hypnotherapist in April 2006.

I wanted to train with Paul Mckenna, a famous hypnotist in the UK, who was teaching in London. And enrolled on his NLP practitioner course followed swiftly by the Master Practitioner NLP Course and was blown away by my own personal change.

Since those days I have continued learning with various masters of their craft and have a long list of names including:
Paul McKenna
Richard Bandler
John Grinder
John La Valle
Michael Neill
Jamie Smart
James Tsakalos
Alistair Horscroft
Tony Robbins
Rob McNeilly

I learned along the way that to become good a what we do it’s good to learn from a variety of masters.

So what you get when you spend time with me, whether it’s for hypnotherapy or longer-term coaching is my very own cocktail version of NLP.

Angela Farlam

So what is NLP?

When I think of NLP I think of magic, I see in my mind an image of a wizard, I still feel like I’m the wizard’s apprentice. We create magic.

We are not given a manual when we are born, explaining how we work, but we all run on patterns underneath the surface. We have a deep structure. As NLP practitioners we talk about modals and programs but this isn’t important to you right now, unless you enrol on my next NLP practitioner course.

Right now, all you need to understand is that NLP helps you take control of your mind rather than it controlling you.

It’s a bit like a computer. When we buy a new laptop, it looks all shiny and nice but doesn’t do a lot. We have to upload the software for it to work.

When we are born we are a bit like that computer, and then we start to grow and develop and learn. Very early in life we learn an amazing amount of stuff and abilities, we learn how to walk, and we learn language. Without thinking too much about it.

Over time we take on beliefs, values and our sense of Identity.

This is what makes us who we are, or who we think we are, it’s a perceived sense of reality, not who we truly are, who we truly are is much more..

Through all the skills, strategies and techniques I have collected through the years I help to work through some of your faulty programming, outdated software or corrupt files.

This is how the change can happen quickly. I always remember Richard Bandler saying at that seminar in 2006, ‘ Why see a psychologist for 18 years when I can fix you in five minutes’. Richard is known for his attitude but he does have a point.

I’m not promising to fix you in five minutes, one reason being is that I don’t believe you need fixing. Non of us are broken, we just have taken onboard some patterns of thnking and limiting beliefs that are getting in the way of our well being.

I help point you in a direction that is the opposite of where you have been heading.

A direction where you gain your own insight, sometimes its like a flash of inspiration and sometimes its more of a slowburner.

That’s why I offer hypnosis packages to help clients through their initial perceived problems and then follow on with longer coaching packages to share what I have learned over the years.

Resulting in a sense of freedom, happiness and appreciation of life.

NLP Coaching & Therapy is for you…

If you wish to:

Enhance Confidence

Increase motivation

Improve sports performance

Enhance presentation skills

Improve Interview skills

Heal past issues and trauma

Focus on the right direction for you

Enhancing Self Esteem

Improve fitness

Phobias & Anxieties

More success in business

Resolving emotional problems